The Spacer component allows you to add customizable vertical or horizontal space between elements in your document.


Use the Spacer component to create gaps between content. You can specify either height or width.

<Spacer height={50} />
import Document from './Document';
import Page from './Page';
import Head from './Head';
import Spacer from './Spacer';

const MyDocument = () => (
      <title>My Document</title>
      <h1>Welcome to My Document</h1>
      <Spacer height={20} />
      <p>This is the first paragraph of my document.</p>
      <Spacer height={30} />
      <h2>Section 1</h2>
      <Spacer height={15} />
      <p>Content for section 1 goes here.</p>
      <Spacer height={50} />
      <h2>Section 2</h2>
      <Spacer height={15} />
      <p>Content for section 2 goes here.</p>

export default MyDocument;


number | string | boolean

Vertical space the spacer takes up. Use a number for pixels, a string for other units, or true for 100%.

number | string | boolean

Horizontal space the spacer takes up. Use a number for pixels, a string for other units, or true for 100%.


CSS display property of the spacer.

Comparison to LaTeX

The Spacer component serves a similar purpose to LaTeX’s vertical and horizontal spacing commands:

  • Spacer with height is similar to LaTeX’s \vspace{}
  • Spacer with width is similar to LaTeX’s \hspace{}

However, Spacer offers more flexibility:

  1. Units: While LaTeX typically uses pt, em, or ex, Spacer can use any CSS unit.
  2. Responsiveness: Spacer can adapt to different screen sizes more easily.
  3. Simplicity: Spacer uses a single component for both vertical and horizontal spacing.
<Spacer height={20} />